Postgraduate Research Preparation In Computing
The postgraduate study requires the student to do research in a specific domain of knowledge. Upon completion of the research, the student will be required to write and defend his thesis in viva voce. This eBook will guide the student to understand the nature and requirements of postgraduate study.
The eBook begins by describing the nature of postgraduate study which includes the research process, sidekicks, and research timeline. Followed by the strategy to choose a research area either using grooming or professional approaches. Next, will be the method to identify the research problem by doing a literature review from the related scientific journals. A guide to choosing relevant journals will be discussed in more detail. The eBook continues to present the technique to manage the research during the study so that the research can be completed within a specified time.
Finally, the book will describe the outcome of postgraduate research such as the thesis, viva voce, and publication so that he will be well prepared to deliver. Upon completion reading this eBook, we expect the student will be mentally prepared before and during the postgraduate study and hoping for the successful completion of his postgraduate study.
Prof. Dr. Ramlan Mahmod, Nor Hafiza Abd Samad